Golf Courses
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The largest golf network for a new generation of entrepreneurs
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THE LOGE is a business platform specializing in connecting golfing entrepreneurs. It offers them the opportunity to establish business relationships between golf and the business world.
Business Network
You invite other network members, customers or partners to a round of golf, a game of badminton, tennis, squash or paddle tennis and use four to five hours together to build relationships. This far away from offices, telephones, without shirt and tie - with a connecting feeling of joy, friendship and sport. Can you think of a better way to do business?
Exclusive activities
THE LOGE combines the joy of sports with your business interests. With THE LOGE you have access to the most exclusive golf and fitness courses in Austria. And together with customers, business partners or employees. Either by invitation or at a tournament organized by us.
Limited Offers
This network exists exclusively for CEOs and business owners who share a passion for golf, fitness and lifestyle.
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Your Benefits
Discover all the benefits THE LOGE has to offer.
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Exclusive company membership
Experience how networking works on the golf course
Overview of all the participating golf clubs in the THE LOGE network.
0 Golfcourses 0 The "Leading Golf Courses" make networking at the golfcourse to an experience.
Limited Access
Exclusive Network
THE LOGE is an exclusive network. In order to meet the high demands of the members, the places are regionally limited.
Check availability
In order to ensure the high level of quality and attractiveness of our network, we carefully verify that there is enough capacity in the desired region before approving an application.
What our Members are saying
Discover what others are writing about & with us.
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Mehr Informationen gefällig?
Tauchen Sie ein in ein Netzwerk mit Persönlichkeiten aus der Wirtschaft, Politik, Medien und Sport und teilen Sie Ihre Begeisterung für Ihr Business und den Golfsport.
Our Partners
Our Motivation
Find out what inspires us as a team
What the Press is saying
Read what the Press is saying about THE LOGE.
Submit an Application now
Start the application now and join a unique network.
Our Team
Just as we say:
"Be so good that they can't ignore you"
we want to work on our vision "to play golf worldwide with one company membership".
Mag. Gerald Enderle, MBA
CMO, Co-Founder
g.enderle [at] 699 187 90 755
Thomas Schnöll
CEO, Co-Founder
t.schnoell [at] 676 94 44 481
Frequently asked Questions
THE LOGE is an exclusive network. In order to meet the high demands of the members, the places are regionally limited.
Start application
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